The “Business-In-A-Box” Fundraising Event

What is this event about?

The Business-In-A-Box fundraising event is a raffle sponsored by Black Wallets Matter and our non-profit partner, Wheelchairs Against Guns.

We are committed to building economic empowerment within the Black community so for the month of April we will be offering entrepreneurs the opportunity to win a “Business-In-A-Box.”

What kind of business is this?

The business is a vending kiosk filled with 100 different cell phone accessories for Apple and Android devices. Products include: USB chargers and wires, audio cables, and earphones. It can fit on a counter top and only takes up about 10 inches of space.

You make money by placing your kiosk on consignment in a location that attracts customers (like a barbershop or beauty salon) and when they buy your products — you give the location owner a percentage and keep the rest of the profits for yourself. It’s a very easy way to make passive income.

How much can I make?

The actual amount of money you make will depend on the number of customers that visit the location and the deal you negotiate with the owner to host your kiosk.

Here’s an example:

Your kiosk comes stocked with 100 accessories that can easily sell for $5 a piece.

You negotiate a deal to give the location owner $2 for every unit sold in exchange for hosting your kiosk.

If all 100 units sell within the month, the kiosk makes $500. You would give the location owner $200 and keep $300 for yourself.

You can buy more inventory for about $1/unit so 100 units would cost roughly $100. That leaves you with a passive income profit of $200 a month with just one kiosk.

An extra $200/month could easily help pay a car note, insurance, or other bills. 

Can I buy kiosks without entering the raffle?

If you win the raffle, you can also purchase more kiosks to grow the business and increase your passive income.

If you just want to get this business started, you can also purchase kiosks without entering the raffle.

For details call Brother Lou at (866) 605-7334 or send an email to

How much are raffle tickets and when is the drawing?

Raffle tickets are $20. Each ticket enters your name in the drawing one time. The more entries you have, the more chances you have to win.

The drawing will be held on our weekly town hall conference call, Thursday April 26, 2018 at 9pm (eastern standard time). If you win the raffle, but are not able to make the call, you will be notified via email, text, or phone, and your kiosk will be shipped to you.

What is the organization raising funds for?

We are raising funds to help with the development of Black Wallets Matter’s shopping website and mobile app. The shopping website and app will allow our Brothers and Sisters to shop at the stores they already trust, buy the things they want — and still help the Black Community!

How will shopping online help the Black Community?

With the revenues we generate from the shopping website and app, Black Wallets Matter will begin building Community Resource Centers that will provide educational and vocational training to our Brothers and Sisters in major Black cities throughout the country.

The Community Resource Centers will also provide a safe place for our youth to go, instead of hanging out in the streets, getting in trouble and/or possibly killed by racist police officers. While they are in the Community Resource Center, they will learn about their contribution to  history and get a new definition of what it means to be Black, based on self-empowering attributes.

They will also learn skills in growing industries such as: IT and computer programming, so they can be ready to take advantage of opportunities in this ever changing technical world.

What do I do next?

If this business sounds like a good opportunity to you — and it should because you have the chance to make up to 10-times your investment every month — then we would appreciate your support in this fundraising event.

Click the button below and get a raffle ticket (or as many as you can afford) and take advantage of this opportunity to earn some passive income.

Even better, use this opportunity to teach your children the importance of entrepreneurship and basic business principles.

Not only will you be helping yourself and your family — you will also be helping the Black community!

still on the fence? Here’s a few more reasons why This Business Is such A Great Opportunity

The demand for cell phone accessories is insatiable and the need isn’t going away anytime soon. Here are a few more reasons why this “Business-In-A-Box” is such a great opportunity:

  • It’s a turnkey business that is easy to operate
  • It’s a “REAL” home based business that earns passive and recurring income (makes money every month with very little work)
  • NO experience needed to run the business
  • NO website or technical skills needed
  • Not MLM (Network Marketing)
  • NO recruiting
  • NO selling lotions, potions, or pills
  • NO overhead like traditional businesses (employees, rent, utilities, etc)
  • Demand for cell phone accessories is growing every year and won’t be going away any time soon
  • The average cell phone user purchases 5 accessories each year
  • Items are priced low enough for customers to buy on impulse
  • Cell phone accessories are mass appeal products with real demand, which means they practically sell themselves
  • An easy way to learn the basic skills needed to run a real business (supply/demand, managing inventory and cash flow, calculating gross revenue and net profits, sales and marketing, providing customer service, etc)
  • Very low start up costs and low risk of failure
  • Great starter business — perfect for new entrepreneurs and college students
  • An income producing asset
  • A great way to introduce your children to business and wealth building concepts
