WATCH: The Financial Blueprint To Help Black America Save Itself

In this video, you will discover a financial blueprint that details how Black America can use assets it already has to address major issues affecting our community such as poverty, unemployment, and police brutality.  

This blueprint explains:

  • How we can provide educational and job training programs to properly prepare our men and women to enter the workforce and get good-paying jobs.
  • How we can buy businesses and create hundreds or even thousands of jobs to stem the tide of unemployment in our community.
  • How we can provide character and career-building programs that teach our youth the virtues of discipline and personal responsibility.
  • How we can hire lawyers and lobbyists to fight against racial injustices such as police brutality and enforce the protection of our civil rights.
  • How we can get a percentage of the $1.3 trillion dollars we spend each year back into the Black Community to fund our programs without changing the stores we shop at or the things we buy.

We are looking for 2000 like-minded brothers and sisters that are sick and tired of the state of affairs in the Black Community and want to become founding members of an association that will take decisive actions to bring about real change.  Members of the association will contribute a small monthly due ($10, $25, or $50), which will be used to address the issues outlined in this blueprint.

In addition to helping the Black Community, members will receive benefits such as: investment and financial literacy courses, business and marketing courses, credit repair/counseling services, discounts on shopping, travel, entertainment, sporting events — and other perks.

We invite you to join the Black Wallets Matter Movement and become a founding member today!

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