…but what about the Black babies?

If we agree the state of Black America is jacked up…
And we know the biggest problem we have is a lack of unity…
What would it take for you to actually unite with your brothers and sisters?
I don’t know what you consider a good enough reason… but what about the babies?
With the way the world is now, we have no idea what the future holds for our Black children.
This country is on the brink of WWIII. (USA vs North Korea, China, Russia, Iran)
And one incident away from a civil war. (Blacks vs Whites, Democrats vs Republicans, Straights vs Gays, Muslims vs Christians, Trump vs Mainstream Media)
But here’s the sad part.
No matter what jumps off, Black people are in no shape to protect or provide for themselves or their children. As a collective, we are subject to the whims of other people’s decisions.
And that is why I fear for the future of our babies. We are not included at the round table when other groups are discussing policy and making post war contingency plans because we don’t have a seat at that table right now.
So we must do something. And do it fast.
Black Wallets Matter has a 4 part plan.
1 – We unite 1 million brothers and sisters to form a member association. The association is just like an employee union and members get benefits when they pay their membership dues.
2 – We use a percentage of our membership dues to buy businesses and provide jobs for our people. Employed taxpayers are very valuable voters and this gives the association even more power.
3 – We combine our business profits and membership dues to open community resource centers. This will give our children alternatives to running the streets. In these centers they can learn real-world skills like computer programming or welding.
4 – We hire lawyers and lobbyist to gain political power and buy a seat at the bargaining table. We hold politicians accountable for delivering on the promises they make to the Black Community and if they don’t come through for us, they don’t get our votes.
These are real assets and power we can pass down to our children for the future. This is how we build a legacy and save our babies.
Now, do you think doing all this is worth $10, $25, or $50?
Yeah, I think so too!
So I want to ask you to unite with us and become a member today.
Brother Lou